Sunday, November 12, 2006

Traveling abroad

Wow. I guess I haven't updated this in awhile... not that anyone reads it anyway.

Well, by extrapolation I'm sure you can figure out I've now been at Google for a bit more than 8 weeks... closer to 11 months at this point. I'm also no longer busy with school, having graduated and subsequently celebrated back in May.

Not to fret though--Google is definitely keeping me busy! Even more, they've kept me traveling. I love it -- in the past 6 months I've been to Ireland (twice), Germany and Argentina. Most companies locked their developers in dark closets -- the same cannot be said of Google for certain.

As it turns out, I've been asked to relocate to Dublin, Ireland for a period of about 6 months beginning in January. I have accepted, and am greatly looking forward to it. I will be leading our new Dublin billing team while I'm there. I cannot really say I'm disappointed in leaving Arizona for an extended period of time...

Anyway, I've taken plenty of photos on my travels. Here's a few:

From Iguazu

From Buenos Aires

From Germany 2006

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